Acupuncture is a holistic approach to treating disease. Holism is the belief that all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected and interdependent. This is why most acupuncture treatments focus on treating the person, not the symptom.
Classically, acupuncture is used to restore and maintain the equilibrium between the patient's physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. The classical premise of Oriental medicine is that health is dependent on the body's life energy or "qi" flowing in a smooth and balanced way through the network of channels connecting all our major organs. When the flow of qi becomes unbalanced, the result is illness. Acupuncture restores balance to the patient's qi by inserting thin sterile needles into the channels of energy, stimulating the body's own natural healing mechanisms and correcting the imbalance.
Presently, modern science theorizes that acupuncture achieves the desired results by stimulating specific points on the skin to induce biochemical and physiological changes in the body. Acupuncture points transmit impulses to the hypothalamic-pituitary system in the brain. The hypothalamus-pituitary glands are responsible for releasing several neurotransmitters including endorphins (a natural pain killer many times more powerful than morphine). Acupuncture also affects the release of serotonin, a substance which produces a sensation of relaxation and contentment.
In addition to promoting the release of endorphins, it is also theorized that acupuncture effectively treats pain by interrupting the conduction of pain signals and by regulating inflammation in damaged tissue.
Acupuncture has also been shown to increase local blood and lymph circulation, regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, and boost the immune system’s T-cell count. It is believed that acupuncture is able to influence a great number of the body’s homeostatic systems by affecting a direct modulation of the brain’s subcortical structures.
Herbal Medicine
The practice of Chinese herbal medicine can be traced back at least 5000 years, making it one of the oldest systems of health care in the world. Today, herbal medicine is used by billions of people all over the world, as both primary and supplementary health care.
Of the hundreds of herbs used in Chinese herbal medicine, some are familiar, such as ginger and cinnamon. Some herbs will be well known to those who take common herbal supplements, such as ginseng and senna. Most, however, are uncommon and unfamiliar to those in the western world.
Chinese herbal medicines consist of individual herbs combined to make a formula that is specifically tailored to meet your individual needs. Herbs are selected to alleviate the symptom as well as to treat the underlying imbalance. As with acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine takes a holistic approach to understanding normal function and disease processes. Thus it focuses as much on prevention as treatment by strengthening and enhancing normal body functions.
Herbal medicine is gentle, though the results can be profound. Many pharmaceuticals, in fact, are derived from plants used in Oriental medicine for thousands of years: Aspirin, Digitalis, Coumadin, and Vincristine, to name just a few.
Our herbal medicinals are available in pills, alcohol tinctures, and in powders which are mixed with hot water and drank. There are benefits associated with each delivery system, and your practitioner can help you decide which form is best for you.
Due to staffing issues (that are hopefully temporary), we are only offering a limited number of massages. Please contact directly for more info.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, or Cosmetic Acupuncture, is a natural, holistic alternative to plastic surgery and botox injections.
Micro-thin needles are gently inserted into specific points on the face to stimulate blood-flow and collagen production. The result is improved muscle tone and skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and leaving the skin bright, hydrated, and healthy-looking.
How many treatments will I need?
A typical course of treatment consists of 10 sessions, performed twice per week. After the initial course of treatment, monthly or seasonal maintenance sessions are recommended.
How long does a treatment take?
Each session includes a 60-minute acupuncture treatment followed by a 10-minute micro-current facial to enhance your treatment.
How long does Facial Acupuncture last?
Research has shown that a cosmetic acupuncture facelift can last 3-5 years. It is important to understand that the aging process continues during this time, and that diet, age, lifestyle and illnesses can affect the length of the results.
Are there any side effects?
Potential side effects include the possibility of minor, temporary bruising or temporarily flushed skin. The most common side-effects are that you feel relaxed, refreshed, and revitalized.
How do I prepare for my cosmetic acupuncture sessions?
Wear comfortable clothes or bring shorts and a short sleeve top. Avoid taking ibuprofen (advil), aspirin or excessive doses of Vitamin E two weeks prior, to reduce the potential for bruising (unless you have been otherwise advised by your doctor).
Do not wear make-up to the treatments. Your skin should be clean.
No sauna, hot tub, or hot showers for one hour before the treatment.
Do not wear sunscreen before the treatments; but do wear it after the treatments.
What is the cost?
Individual sessions are $95, and the 10-treatment package is $850. If you’d like to experience a treatment before committing to the full package, the cost of your first session can be applied towards the purchase of a package.
Infrared Therapy
The SunLab at Points East Acupuncture is an experience that exists nowhere else in the known-universe. A vintage cedar-paneled walk-in cooler plays host to an array of tropical plants, nourished by full-spectrum lights. Guests are invited to recline on an amethyst far-infrared heat mat. From above, they are treated to 900 LED’s emitting 4500 watts of red and near-infrared light. The experience is most often described as “while lying tranquil upon a sundrenched field of daisies you suddenly remember where you put that thing that you thought you lost long ago; and that tomorrow is Saturday.”
A 30-minute session in the Sun Lab can be added on to any acupuncture or massage session (schedule permitting). At present, Sun Lab sessions are not available as stand-alone services.
If you’d like more information on the equipment used in the Sun Lab or on far/near infrared therapy in general, please visit this site for wealth of information:
I was suffering migraines 2-3 times a week and taking a combination of four different medicines. After seeing Mark regularly for a few months I no longer needed any medicine. Mark is kind, gentle and respectful. I recommend him to everyone I come across. Mark's services are life changing.
Coral, Hartland VT